• 后记,我算是知道为啥不给正确答案了…… 期末考试出的原题 - -
  • 勘误:51 题需求工程的七个步骤应是起始、获取、细化、协商、规格说明、确认、管理(变更管理),在书上 p74 页(中文版)

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解析也写了,不过都是个人的看法 0.0

# 一、单选题

# 1、Software deteriorates rather than wears out because()?


A Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments (恶略的环境)
B Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often
C Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions


D Software spare parts become harder to order

# 2.Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?

通用的软件工程过程框架活动有哪 5 个?

A communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment

正确答案:沟通 - 策划 - 建模 - 构建 - 部署

  • 沟通:目的是理解利益相关者的项目目标,并收集需求以定义软件的特性和功能。
  • 策划:定义和描述了软件工程工作,包括需要执行的技术任务、可能的风险、资源需求、工作产品和工作进度计划。
  • 建模:利用模型更好的理解软件需求,并完成符合这些需求的软件设计。
  • 构建:包括编码和测试一发现编码中的错误。
  • 部署:软件(全部或者部分增量)交付到用户,用户对其进行评测并给出反馈意见。

B communication, risk management, measurement, production, reviewing

C analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance

D analysis, planning, designing, programming, testing

# 3.Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers?


软件工程是一种层次化的技术,包括过程层(process), 方法层(methods)、工具层(tool)。

A Process

B Manufacturing 不包括制造

C Methods

D Tools

# 4.Process models are described as agile because they


A eliminate the need for cumbersome (繁琐的) documentation

B emphasize maneuverability and adaptability 强调机动性和适应性

C do not waste development time on planning activities

D make extensive use of prototype creation

# 5.Evolutionary software process models



** 演化模型(Evolutionary Model)包括两种常用的:** 快速原型(Rapid Prototype)开发和螺旋模型

  • 快速原型开发开始于沟通,软件开发人员与其他利益相关者进行沟通,定义软件的整体目标,明确已知需求并大致勾画出以后再进一步定义的东西,然后迅速策划一个原型开发迭代并进行建模(快速设计),快速设计主要集中在那些最终用户能够看到的方面,产生一个原型,对原型进行部署后由利益相关者进行评估,根据利益相关者的反馈信息,进一步精炼软件的需求。
  • 螺旋模型是快速原型模型以进化的开发方式为中心,在每个项目阶段使用瀑布模型法。该模型的每一个周期都包括需求定义、风险分析、工程实现和评审 4 个阶段,由这 4 个阶段进行迭代。软件开发过程每迭代一次,软件开发又前进一个层次。螺旋模型强调风险分析,使得开发人员和用户对每个演化层出现的风险有所了解,继而做出应有的反应,因此适用于庞大、复杂并具有高风险的系统。

# 6.The linear sequential model of software development is



A A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined 在明确定义需求时的合理方法

B A good approach when a working program is required quickly.

C The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.

D An old fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context.

# 7.The incremental model of software development is



A A reasonable approach whenrequirements are well defined

B A good approach when a working coreproduct is required quickly 当需要快速的协同产品时,是一个好的方法

C The best approach to use for projectswith large development teams

D A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products

# 8.The prototyping model of software development is



A A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined

B A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly 当客户不能明确定义需求时,这是一种有用的方法

C The best approach to use for projects with large development teams

D A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product

# 9.Which of the following traits (特征) need to exist among the members of an agile software team?


A Competence (能力)

B Decision-making ability (决策能力)

C Mutual trust and respect 相互信任和尊重

D All of the above 以上都是

# 10.What are the four framework activities found in the Extreme Programming (XP) process model?

在极端编程 (XP) 过程模型中发现的四个框架活动是什么?

极限编程 (XP) 是敏捷模型中最重要的软件开发框架之一。它包含了策划、设计、编码和测试 4 个框架活动的规则和实践。

  • 策划:即需求分析,但是不仅仅是用户需求,应该是开发中遇到的所有的需求。
  • 设计:编码前,肯定有个计划告诉你要做什么,结构是怎样等等。. 你一定要按照这个来做,否则可能会一团糟。
  • 编码:建议在开始编码之前为每一个故事开发一系列单元测试,基于这些单元测试在进行编程。与此同时鼓励结对编程以提高效率。
  • 测试:每天都要执行单元测试,以便提前发现问题。

A analysis, design, coding, testing

B planning, analysis, design, coding

C planning, analysis, coding, testing

D planning, design, coding, testing 策划、设计、编码、测试

# 11.Which is not one of the key questions that is answered by each team member at each daily Scrum meeting?

下列哪项不是每个团队成员在每日站会(Daily Scrum)上回答的关键问题之一?

敏捷开发流程之 Scrum

开发团队是自组织的,通过每日站会来确认他们仍然可以实现 Sprint 的目标。

  • 昨天我完成了什么;
  • 今天我计划完成什么;
  • 有什么阻碍了我的进展。

每日 Scrum 通常不超过 15 分钟。
每日 Scrum 中可能有简要的问题澄清和回答,但是不应该有任何话题的讨论。
每日 Scrum 既不是向管理层汇报,也不是向产品负责人或者 ScrumMaster 汇报。它是一个开发团队内部的沟通会议,来保证他们对现状有一致的了解。

A What did you do since the last meeting? 从上次会议到现在你完成了什么

B What obstacles are you encountering? 你遇到了什么障碍

C What is the cause of the problems you are encountering? 你遇到这些问题的原因是什么?(×,不属于每日站会的问题)

D What do you plan to accomplish at the next team meeting? 到下次会议你打算完成什么(即 今天你想完成什么)

# 12.Which of the following is not necessary to apply agility to a software process?


A Eliminate (消除) the use of project planning and testing 消除项目规划和测试的使用(Duck 不必)

B Only essential work products are produced 只生产基本的工作产品

C Process allows team to streamline tasks 流程允许团队简化任务

D Uses incremental product delivery strategy 使用增量式产品交付策略

# 13.How do you create agile processes to manage unpredictability?


A Risk analysis must be conducted before planning takes place 在计划进行前,必须进行风险分析

B Software increments must be delivered in short time periods 软件增量必须在短时间内交付

C Software processes must adapt to changes incrementally 软件流程必须逐步适应变化

D both B and C

# 14.Which of the following is not one of the principles of good coding?


A Create unit tests before you begin coding 在开始编码前,请先创建单元测试

B Create a visual layout that aids understanding 创建一个有助于理解的视觉布局

C Keep variable names short so that code is compact 保持变量名较短,以便使代码紧凑(是不对的!变量名应见名知义)

D Write self-documenting code, not program documentation 编写自文档化代码,而不是程序文件(就是说,可读性很强的代码本身就易于理解,而不需要依赖外部文档)

# 15.Which of the following is not one of Hooker’s core principles of software engineering practice?


A All design should be as simple as possible, but no simpler 所有的设计都应该尽可能简单,但不是更简单

B A software system exists only to provide value to its users 软件系统的存在只是为了为用户提供价值

C Pareto principle (20% of any product requires 80% of the effort) 帕累托法则(任何产品的 20% 都需要 80% 的努力)

D Remember that you produce others will consume 记住,你生产别人会消费

# 16.Software engineers collaborate with customers to define which of the following?


A customer visible usage scenarios 客户可见的使用场景

B Important software features 重要的软件特性

C System inputs and outputs 系统的输入和输出

D All of the above 以上都是

# 17.What role(s) do user stories play in agile planning?



A Define useful software features and functions delivered to end-users 定义提供给最终用户的有用的软件特性和功能

B Provide a substitute to performing detailed scheduling of activities 提供执行详细活动安排的替代品

C Used to estimate the effort required build the current increment 用于估计构建当前增量所需的工作量

D both A and c

# 18.The system requirement specification describes the


A Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system 一个基于计算机的系统的功能、性能和约束条件

B implementation of each allocated system

C element software architecture

D time required for system simulation

# 19.During project inception the intent of the of the tasks are to determine


A basic problem understanding 基本问题理解

B nature of the solution needed 所需的解决方案的性质

C people who want a solution 那些想要一个解决方案的人

D All of the above 以上都是

# 20.Which of the following is not one of the requirement classifications used in Quality Function Deployment(QFD)?

以下哪一种不是质量功能部署 (QFD) 中使用的需求分类之一?、

质量功能部署 (QFD) 是一种将客户要求转换成软件技术需求的技术,它确认了三类需求,以最大限度让客户从软件工程中感到满意:正常需求、期望需求、意外需求

A exciting 意外需求

B expected 期望需求

C mandatory 强制?命令?反正不是

D normal 正常需求

# 21.Which of the following is not one of the context-free questions that would be used during project inception?


A What will be the economic benefit from a good solution? 一个好的解决方案会给你带来什么经济效益呢?

B Who is against this project? 谁反对这个项目?

C Who will pay for the work? 谁将为这项工作买单?

D Who will use the solution? 谁将使用这个解决方案?

# 22.In collaborative requirements gathering, the facilitator


A cannot be a member of the software team 不能成为该软件团队的成员

B cannot be a customer 不能成为客户

C controls and facilitates the process 控制和促进这个过程

D must be an outsider 必须是局外人

# 23.Which of following is not a UML diagram used creating a system analysis model?

以下哪一个不是用来创建系统分析模型的 UML 图?

A activity diagram 活动图

B class diagram 类图

C dataflow diagram 数据流图

D state diagram 状态图

# 24.UML activity diagrams are useful in representing which analysis model elements?

UML 活动图在表示哪些分析模型元素时很有用?

A Behavioral elements 行为元素

B Class-based elements 基于类的元素

C Flow-based elements 基于流的元素

D Scenario-based elements 基于场景的元素

# 25.Which of the following is not an objective for building an analysis model?



A define set of software requirements that can be validated 定义在软件完成后可以被确认的一组需求。

B describe customer requirements 描述客户需求

C develop an abbreviated solution for the problem 为这个问题开发一个简短的解决方案

D establish basis for software design 为软件设计奠定基础

# 26.Which of the following items does not appear on a CRC card?

以下哪些物品没有出现在 CRC 卡上?

CRC 卡是一个标准索引卡集合,每一张卡片表示一个类。类名在最上方,类的职责在左侧,类的协作关系放在右侧。

A class collaborators 类的协作关系

B class name 类名

C class reliability 类的可靠性??反正不在卡上

D class responsibilities 类的职责

# 二、判断题

# 27.Most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need


# 28.Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless the system was designed with change in mind


29 与 28 相同

# 30.Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts (工程工件)


# 31.Software processes can be constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a software project



# 32.lt is generally accepted that one cannot have weak software processes and create high quality end products


# 33.Software engineering umbrella activities (普适活动) are only applied during the initial phases of software development projects



# 34.Process technology tools allow software organizations to compress schedules by skipping unimportant activities


# 35.lt is not possible to build software that meets the customers’ needs today and exhibits the quality characteristics that will enable it to be extended tomorrow


# 36.In agile software processes the highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software


# 37.Agility is nothing more than the ability of a project team to respond rapidly to change


错 不止


# 39.Teams using agile software practices never create models



# 40.Analysis patterns facilitate (有助于) the transformation of the analysis model into a design model by suggesting reliable solutions to common problems


# 41.Developers and customers create use-cases to help the software team understand how different classes of end-users will use functions


# 42.A stakeholder is anyone who will purchase the completed software system under development



# 43.Use-case actors are always people, never system devices



# 44.In many cases there is no need to create a graphical representation of a usage scenario


# 45.lt is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one


# 46.Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program


# 三、简答题

# 47.Explain what is wrong with the notion that computer software does not need to evolve (发展) over time

解释 “计算机软件不需要随时间发展” 的观念有什么错误。


# 48.Why are incremental process models considered by many to be the best approach to software development in a modern context?



# 49.Describe the phases of the prototyping model for software development?




# 50.Describe the role of risk analysis in evolutionary process models like the spiral model



# 51.what are the seven steps for requirements engineering?







⑤规格说明:可以是一份写好的文档 / 一套图形化的模型 / 一个形式化的数学模型等等



# 52.Describe the weaknesses of use-cases as part of the requirements engineering process





# 53.Describe white box testing and black box testing techniques




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